Brilliant Collection of Hotel Desk Clerk Interview Questions

By Maria Maak

A hotel desk clerk is the personnel in the front office who is responsible for welcoming guests in a hotel. He or she is responsible for attending and serving guests in a courteous, efficient and pleasant manner, both face-to-face and on the phone. Nowadays there is huge demand for hotel desk clerks. If you want to secure a decent job in this field then you must excel in communicational as well as clerical skills.

Hotel desk clerk is the person, who is always in the public eye. In this article, I would like to provide you some questions that come up again and again in interviews for the post hotel desk clerk.

1. Tell us a bit about yourself?
It is a very general interview question. The interviewer is looking for a quick overview of your academics. The employer is not at all interested in your family, pets, or hobbies. Demonstrate your professional self in front of the interviewer. The best way to answer this is to give a brief description of your qualification so far, focusing on your specific achievements.

2. Just tell us something about the roles and responsibilities of a hotel desk clerk?
Hotel desk clerk is the person, who is always in the public eye. A hotel desk clerk has to execute various important roles and responsibilities. They look after check in, check out procedure, handle cash, assign rooms, register guests, determine credit, render bills, receive cash, credit payments and provide guest service.

3. What is your typing speed?
Hotel desk clerk is the person, who is always in the public eye. A clerk is supposed to have a very good typing speed. On an average they are supposes to have a typing speed of 40 to 50 words per minute. Hence you should make sure that you possess this speed. Otherwise it is very hard for you to be selected. You should practice very hard on typing speed.

4. According to you what are the most effective approaches in communication?
I think one should be humble, polite and friendly while talking to others. It is the most excellent way of communication according to me.

5. Why do you want to join our hotel?
For answering this question you have to do detail research of the respective hotel. Do your homework before the interview and spend some time online or at the library and make research about the respective hotel. Find out as much as you can, including products, size, income, reputation, image, management talent, people, skills, history, and philosophy of the respective hotel.

These are some of the frequently asked interview questions. Make sure you prepare these questions well before appearing in front of the interviewer. Do not forget to say 'Thank You' to the person or people who interviewed you. - 31896

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Generally Asked Computer Programmer Interview Questions

By Maria Maak

A computer programmer is a highly skilled person who is responsible for programming, designing and maintaining company business applications. He or she writes codes and creates computer programs. A computer programmer is also called a computer developer, software programmer, software engineer, computer scientist, or software analyst.

If you want to secure a decent job in this field then you should mentally prepare yourself to answer some of the frequently asked questions which are listed as under:

1. What is your technical experience for this post?
I have ample experience in this field. I have worked on various small and big projects up till now. I have handsome experience in designing and developing complex applications. I have supervised development activities for numerous projects. I have even participated many times in architectural, designing and coding reviews.

2. Please give a short description of a class?
It is one of the most basic technical questions asked by an interviewer. You can say that - a class is a blueprint or prototype from which objects are created. It is a real-world object which consists of methods and data.

3. What do you understand by call by value, call by reference and call by address?
In call by value a copy of the argument is passed as parameter. So the caller method and the called method are working on different sets of data. Any change in one will not affect another. In call by reference the address of an argument is passed, so any kind of modification in one will be reflected in the other. Call by address is same as call by reference.

4. What technical and non technical skills will you bring to our organization?
In my career up till now I have worked on UNIX, C, C++, Visual Basic, DEC, VAX, System Servers, SGI, Intel 8086 Assembler, VMS, Pascal, LISP, FORTRAN, Basic, Macro-II, RCS, MS, Team Ware, MS/DOS, and Solaris. I have excellent analytical, problem solving, and interpersonal skills.

5. What are your strength and weakness?
It is a good question for you to shine. You have a good opportunity to put an optimistic turn on something negative. You have to cast your negatives into positives. Like in weakness you can say that I am too focused toward my work and I think I should take out time for myself. As far as strong points are concerned, they expect a simple answer from you. Just tell that you are hardworking, perfectionist and ambitious.

These are some of the important questions that are asked in interviews and I am very confident that my article would surely help you to answer them with great confidence. - 31896

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Finest Hotel Management Interview Questions

By Maria Maak

Hotel management is a practice of managing the overall activities of a hotel which includes hotel administration, accounts, marketing, housekeeping, front office, food and beverage management, catering and maintenance. It is a branch of management which deals with running of a business that provides lodging, meals and other services to the customers.

Nowadays careers in the hotel industry are available in abundance. If you want to secure a decent job in hotel management then you must prepare yourself for answering the following questions which are listed as under:

1. Define hotel management?
Hotel management refers to specialized management techniques used in the hospitality sector. It includes hotel administration, accounts, marketing, housekeeping, front office, food and beverage management, catering and maintenance.

2. Please elaborate about the skills and qualifications that are required for this post?
Since a job in hotel management has much to do with keeping customers happy thus people who are at this post must hold outstanding communicational, organizational and interpersonal skills. They should be excellent in computer and must know different foreign languages. A good hotel management employee must be able to work successfully in team as well as individual work environment.

3. What is an ideal job according to you?
Well, for me work environment and level of responsibility is most important. I would like to work in a fun, warm environment where individual works independently towards attaining team goals. I am not concerned about minor elements, such as dress codes, cubicles, and the level of formality.

4. If there is any angry and irate customers. How do you handle him or her?
Well, dealing with all types of customers is part of my job. I am a very chill and composed person so I am least effected by the negative feedback of customer. However, I make attempt to handle them carefully by managing their complaints. I usually say sorry for the mistake and inform them that I will do everything possible to correct it.

5. How can you get success in a hotel like this?
I think that determination, willingness to work hard and a hunger to excel in everything you do are some of the key attributes required for this position. A successful employee would also need to handle pressure well, be a great communicator and an excellent team member.

Read the above listed questions carefully and practice their answers. These questions will be surely helpful for those people who want to make career in this field. Do not forget to say "Thank You" to the person who interviewed you. - 31896

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Your Shoes Make A First And Lasting Impression

By Dorthy Weatherbush

People often say that the suit makes the man. Although this is the truth for the most part a lot of people also pay attention to a person's shoes. It might be a compliment from a friend, or a mental note taken by a job interviewer. Believe it or not shoes can actually affect how people treat you in society.

Job interviews and social events are important places to make the right impression. For example, if you were on a job interview of a construction company and you had on a shiny pair of dress shoes, you might not get the position. In this instance, a shiny pair of dress shoes may send the message that you are incompetent in the realm of construction work. On the other hand, if you showed up to a party with tennis shoes on, you might not get a girl to take you seriously. Bottom line, dress the part for the role that you need to play.

That doesn't mean that you can show up to a construction job interview looking messy and sloppy. You should still look nice: a pair of slack, a cotton button-down shirt and some boots would be certainly appropriate. Likewise, if you showed up to an interview at a law firm, you would want to be wearing a suit with very nice dress shoes.

If you are going to a formal party or a party that is not going to be at a person's house, you need to wear nice dress shoes. However, if the party is a pizza and beer party at a friend's house, you wouldn't want to wear dress shoes; tennis shoes or boots would probably work much better in this instance.

There are some people that may have the impression that you are a suck up if your outer appearance is spotless and perfect. Some people like this. Other people may like to know that a person isn't afraid to get his hands dirty and do some hard work. To determine what you should wear, you should always consider the audience and the purpose. If you are trying to get a job, then that is your purpose. If you're interviewer is a construction company owner that is your audience, or the person you are trying to impress.

As far as actually taking care of your shoes goes the process isn't very hard. The general rule that applies to all shoes is keep them clean. If they are dirty clean them off, if you step in something wash it off. This is provided that the shoe can be washed without falling apart. After this the individual care options come in for the type of shoes you are cleaning.

If you are wearing dress shoes, they should be polished after you wear them, and before you go out in them. You should own shoe polish and the proper brushes needed to keep your shoes clean. Tennis shoes should be cleaned with a toothbrush and a light soap, although you can also use the shoe cleaner that they sell in stores.

Women's shoes require a bit more care than men's. Despite the types that go across both genders there are some shoes women wear that are unique to them. Mainly high heels and other shoes that fall into this category. These can be easily damaged and when cleaning them you have to have a delicate touch. So be careful, otherwise your significant other is going to make you go to the shoe store. - 31896

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What to do about your looming interview - tips for success

By Herbert Manning

Enhance your chances of success at your interview by discovering what you must do when in front of the interview panel:

First, you must be on time. Your initial impression will last, and you cannot afford to turn up late. Decide how you are going to get to the interview center 10 to 15 minutes ahead of time. This will allow you time to calm yourself down, before you enter the interview room.

Dress appropriately for the interview. The way you present yourself is important component of how you manage your impression. Present yourself as professional candidate is confident and capable of the role that you are applying for.

Be clear in your message and don't tolerate any unnecessary distractions. Do not forget to turn your mobile phone off and please dont go in with your sunglasses still on.

Say hello confidently. Smile and say your name confidently as you shake the interviewers hands with a decent grip. As you find yourself smiling, you will notice that you feel better and appear more confident in the eyes of the interviewer.

Look at your interviewer, eye to eye, when you are answering their questions. Don't stare, but appear confident. If you are faced with an interview panel - then spend the majority of your time engaging the eye contact of your primary questioner, but glance at the others to acknowledge them too.

Keep your body language open, so that you will look honest and trustworthy. Be aware of how you behave and try to avoid any unfhelpful, non verbal messages. Try sitting forward slightly whilst being upright in your interview chair. Do not fiddle with your hands or hair. Try to avoid habits such as repetitive, foot tapping or tongue clicking. Don't think that you shouldn't be nervous - you will be. Just try to hide it.

To be successful at your job interview, you merely need to follow this interview blueprint. - 31896

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7 Ideas Which Will Improve Your Job Hunting Skills

By Gnifrus Urquart

In some recent articles, I have broken down the job finding process into its logical components and detailed them individually. With this article I intend on building on those articles by offering tips which will speed up the process for you, looking at job hunting as an entire process.

1. Keep Up To Date With Your Industry - Always

Don't wait till you need a job before your start looking for a job. You should always keep one eye open on your industry for potential opportunities which may come your way. You'll be amazed at the jobs which float past you every day, many of them could be the job you've always dreamed of. If you are not paying attention though they'll sail right by.

2. Keep your resume up to date

Find a template or layout that you are comfortable with and maintain it. Update it twice a year at least. It will save you the mad scramble to put it together and possibly a lost opportunity because you were unprepared.

3. Recognise Networking Opportunities Every Day

Your network is your key to the inner workings of your industry. Try to remember everyone you meet professionally. Try to remember what they do and who they work for. When you catch up with them, get them talking about their jobs and businesses. This is a great way to maintain intimacy with your industry and goes a long way to helping with point 1 above.

4. No Matter What It Is For, Go To Every Interview Offered

Successful interviewing requires touch and it takes mistakes to get that touch. It is a skill you can only learn through practise. You don't want to learn these skills when you are being interviewed for your perfect job, you want to make your mistakes with jobs you don't really care for. So go to every interview you are offered, for no reason other than the practise. If you get offered a job you do not really want, have the courage to decline it.

5. Note Down Your Experiences.

Note what you did well with each job opportunity. What worked, what didn't, improvements you could make, elements you can get rid of. Then, when you next go through an employment opportunity situation, revisit your notes, duplicate the good things and improve the bad things. Recognise the process as having a learning curve, and learn.

6. If you do not have a job and need one, make job hunting your full time job.

You should apply the same discipline, diligence and professionalism to job hunting as you would to work. It will keep you sharp and this will shine during your job interviews. Do not fall into the habit of sleeping in and taking unemployment as a holiday. Your full time job now is job hunting.

7. Maintain Clarity Of Focus

You know what type of job you are looking for, don't be distracted by other offers or ideas. Keep your eyes firmly set on the task at hand and the job you are seeking.

Finding a new job is never fun. Keep the faith though and good luck with your hunt - 31896

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How To Prepare For Interview Questions

By Anna Jones

A job interview is a process through which an employer evaluates a probable worker for potential employment in a firm. Everyone cannot qualify the interview stage. One really needs to toil hard to achieve good results. Preparation is very important in all aspects of job interviews. Unless you prepare well you cannot secure a job in a decent firm. A lot of preparation is required when it comes to cracking a job interview. Further in this topic we would discuss about some of the things that are quite necessary for you to do if you are looking to crack the job interview.

Now, mentioned below are some of the fundamental things to do before going for the job interview:

1. Research well before the interview

You always need to research well regarding the interview. It is very much possible that you might be asked anything regarding the organization. So, it is better that you are aware of each and every aspect of the organization. You could even consult some workers and staff members of the respective company.

2. Practice well before the interview

We all are aware of the fact that practice makes a man perfect. So, you could practice hard on your interpersonal skills. This would make you confident enough to face all types of tough questions raised by the professionals.

3. Be polite, true and certain

Make sure that your way of communicating, depicts your confidence and not over confidence. You should always speak what is right no matter what the circumstances are.

4. Prepare for all types of job interview questions

You need to prepare for all kinds of interview questions. You could be asked any type of job interview questions. It is possible that you might be asked interview questions related to your previous employer, so be prepared.

5. Try and stay peaceful and relaxed

You need to take a proper sleep a day before the interview. Just stay calm and composed when you enter the interview room. Talk to them politely.

6. Ask for reviews and assessments from your family and friends

To gain some assurance, you could ask your family members to ask you a few questions just to test your abilities and strong points. This would surely enhance your confidence to the subsequent level.

So, these are some of the finest tips that could help you go through the interview stage. Enjoy yourself! - 31896

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Want To Crack The Job Interview? Then Here Are The Right Tools

By Jimmy Sweeney

There is incessant unemployment in all region of the world. For some unemployment occurs due to the deficiency of career opportunities as compared to persons who are competent of working. For some of them open occupations is simply not their dream work. Dream work does not come from paradise. It involves conscious preparedness and training and a little ingredient of fortune. A lot of persons even anticipate for a much extended time just to receive the phone call for a work interview. This chance is special and for work quilters to get it they need to have something other than fate. When you get the phone call for a job interview, it is necessary that you take all critical provisions.

A great career interview talent is truly important so as to be employed. These skills may provide the interviewee with plenty of manners of permitting the employer recall that he is the finest candidate for the career. It needs numerous planning and meticulous searches so as to prepare for that decisive career interview. An applier should exhibit the skills that he knows the in and out of the job requisites. A candidate must be willing to demonstrate great ability to connect with other workers. You must demonstrate your next employer that you learned the corporation exhaustively and the area of job which you might take.

This means that you are really serious about the job and that you are glad to understand the demands of the job. These capacities need to be a portion of your work interview preparation.

Company's work force directors employ various processes of valuating the capabilities of hopefuls. They have criteria and methods for evaluation. It is in the optimal sake of the aspirant to be efficient to twist the balance to his favor. To be sure to accomplish this, it is best to refer to job interview assistance. This would assist the candidate realize the type of her dream career and can present him tips on how to have this job. Getting hold of an example, work interview is a positive beginning since it is one of the instruments that can make you fit for the inquiries. Through this simple job interview you will know how to respond the enquiries which will be definitely be taken in the interview.

The ancient points of getting your dream career are stated to be old fashioned. The impressions like a great resume, right hairstyle and respectable employment account are enough to get you stand out are simply the fundamentals. The increasing competitiveness of work search necessitate an applier to genuinely stand out among the rest. Work quests today may really be trying considering the global collapse. Even the most powerful aspirant can get kicked off the curve because she was unskilled to make an impression that the work will be achieved suitably upon being taken. Thankfully, work seekers can instantly effectively make use of different manners of coaching how an applicant may make a very good impression in a career interview. - 31896

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7 Ideas Which Will Improve Your Job Hunting Skills

By Gnifrus Urquart

In some recent articles, I have broken down the job finding process into its logical components and detailed them individually. With this article I intend on building on those articles by offering tips which will speed up the process for you, looking at job hunting as an entire process.

1. Keep Up To Date With Your Industry - Always

Don't wait till you need a job before your start looking for a job. You should always keep one eye open on your industry for potential opportunities which may come your way. You'll be amazed at the jobs which float past you every day, many of them could be the job you've always dreamed of. If you are not paying attention though they'll sail right by.

3. Ensure Your CV Is Up To Date - Always

Find a template or layout that you are comfortable with and maintain it. Update it twice a year at least. It will save you the mad scramble to put it together and possibly a lost opportunity because you were unprepared.

3. Network Network Network.

Your network is your key to the inner workings of your industry. Try to remember everyone you meet professionally. Try to remember what they do and who they work for. When you catch up with them, get them talking about their jobs and businesses. This is a great way to maintain intimacy with your industry and goes a long way to helping with point 1 above.

4. Accept interviews even if you are not interested in the opportunity, or not looking for a job.

Successful interviewing requires touch and it takes mistakes to get that touch. It is a skill you can only learn through practise. You don't want to learn these skills when you are being interviewed for your perfect job, you want to make your mistakes with jobs you don't really care for. So go to every interview you are offered, for no reason other than the practise. If you get offered a job you do not really want, have the courage to decline it.

5. Keep a diary of your experiences.

Job hunting is an evolutionary process. You need to modify your approach to every unique job and as your skills improve. A great tool to help you with this is to diarise your experiences, noting where you did well and where you think you could have done better. Really make an effort to learn from your experiences so each job you go for is a better effort than the last.

6. If you do not have a job and need one, make job hunting your full time job.

You should apply the same discipline, diligence and professionalism to job hunting as you would to work. It will keep you sharp and this will shine during your job interviews. Do not fall into the habit of sleeping in and taking unemployment as a holiday. Your full time job now is job hunting.

7. Keep focused

You know what type of job you are looking for, don't be distracted by other offers or ideas. Keep your eyes firmly set on the task at hand and the job you are seeking.

Job hunting can be really painful, so best to get a job fast. I hope these tips help you on your search. Good luck - 31896

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Get The Best Job Interview Tips And Prepare Well For The Interview

By Jamie Blizzard

If you are the one who cannot pass the interview, this content is the finest option for you. This content will assist you to know some of the necessary tips that you have to know while attending an interview. If you use these tips properly, you will be able to attain the success in the interview process.


It is very important to set up a day before you attend the interview. You should make sure that you will be on time to face the interview. Know the address of the venue properly and plan according to it. Learn the right way to move for the interview. Prepare your time and know how long it would take you to finish the traffic. It is also important to carry the details of the referred people. Note down their full name as well as their designation. Carry a file which includes resume copy and contact information of the company. Make sure you are carrying more copies of resume.

Do The Background Study:

It is also important to know some details about the firm you are looking to attend. You can also utilize internet for knowing more about the organization. Try to collect more information about the company by visiting their websites. You could impress the person who takes the interview by learning more about the organization. Prepare for the questions which will be asked by the interviewer.

Preparation of the Portfolio:

You must carry a copy of all your documents like your educational certificates, experience letters of the previous companies, health checkup certificate, ID proof etc. Include the photocopies of any of the written references that you are planning to give the interviewer. Include the information of the search that you have done about the organization. Maintain a simple and neat portfolio while you are going for an interview. You must also take a pen and notebook to note down the information in the interview procedures.

Importance of bio-data:

Go through your most recent bio-data a day before you attend the interview. Be aware among the red flags you have such as the gaps in the occupational history and the reason for quitting your last company. Try to provide a genuine reason without giving any bad remarks about the previous company.Note down these and prepare the answers that may come up on these topics.

Dress up for Success:

Dressing style also has an important role in the interview procedure. You must closely follow the dress code of the interview. Here you also have an option to call and speak with the HR team to know the particulars of the interview procedure. These will help you to understand some of the basic information including the interview venue, time and dress code etc. Formal dress is the best thing to flaunt for an interview. Attire shows the respect a candidate has for the interview. Choose a cloth that is clean and pressed a day before you go for the interview. This will save your time and you do not have to rush on the interview day. - 31896

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Verify & Check Job Applicants References Credentials

By Bill U. Piker

Does a job seekers resume jive with their background and employment history. It behooves the interviewers or full set of those involved in the hiring process to dig deeper . Trust but verify are the watchwords.

Its not only in the workplace does "cheating" occur. It is almost endemic in the university and college circuits as well. Everyone wants to "get ahead". Marks and educational documentation and record means everything. And after all "everyone is doing it".

Unfortunately with our tough and tougher economic times , and even just plain human ingenuity we also appear to be living in times , where many resumes and job references can be somewhat suspect , if not downright misleading. The sad part is that with the internet and the tools available on hand and on line, the tricksters are getting more and more bold, imaginative and even eccentric. On top of that serious looking documents and documentation can be either had easily and cheaply, revised accordingly and appear downright genuine. It's a tough and tough world out there. Every interviewer and H.R. department employee has to verify and check, even repeatedly and redundantly. It's as simple as that.

It comes down to facts and figures. Watch out for excessive flowery language , vague statements , references and dates. Be on the watch for over abundant filler text and words. Combination words can be a tip-off. There was a well known and substantiated case of one highly successful job getter who successfully steamed up the career ladder simply by combining and joining words from rows of columns of words chosen from industry jargon. It seems that no one in the interview process dared admit that they had no idea what so ever what the words meant - and to ask would of admitted defeat in the eyes of their colleagues - stated employment agency consultant manager Kirk U. Stephens.

Some basis's and standards to rule by. First of all study the candidate or candidate's accomplishments. Are they reasonable to a point ? Do you or the group evaluate that this individual can really achieve this goal or sets of goals and hold a high standard of performance as well ? On top of that do you note , catch or imply a sense or any notion of evasiveness that may prevail ?

It's always a matter of simple verification of employers, references and credentials. In this electronic era of simple communications, this is fairly easy and straightforward, Phone, email or fax stated parties to verify references, documentation as well educational records.

In many cases now hiring and hiring errors and mistakes are dealt with on a team basis. A good and effective manager knows that his "job" is to hire good people and candidates for the "team". Once hired the team takes over. Add a group based efficiency , customer service level and final bottom line profit based and determined reward bonus to the mix. The team on the sale , product or front lines will effectively police and manage the situation and series of events. If after all a serious and thorough evaluation of job application candidates is done, it will be the employee team who will deal with the situation or series of events. In most cases they will demand of the apprentice worker to either shape up or ship out. - 31896

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