People often say that the suit makes the man. Although this is the truth for the most part a lot of people also pay attention to a person's shoes. It might be a compliment from a friend, or a mental note taken by a job interviewer. Believe it or not shoes can actually affect how people treat you in society.
Job interviews and social events are important places to make the right impression. For example, if you were on a job interview of a construction company and you had on a shiny pair of dress shoes, you might not get the position. In this instance, a shiny pair of dress shoes may send the message that you are incompetent in the realm of construction work. On the other hand, if you showed up to a party with tennis shoes on, you might not get a girl to take you seriously. Bottom line, dress the part for the role that you need to play.
That doesn't mean that you can show up to a construction job interview looking messy and sloppy. You should still look nice: a pair of slack, a cotton button-down shirt and some boots would be certainly appropriate. Likewise, if you showed up to an interview at a law firm, you would want to be wearing a suit with very nice dress shoes.
If you are going to a formal party or a party that is not going to be at a person's house, you need to wear nice dress shoes. However, if the party is a pizza and beer party at a friend's house, you wouldn't want to wear dress shoes; tennis shoes or boots would probably work much better in this instance.
There are some people that may have the impression that you are a suck up if your outer appearance is spotless and perfect. Some people like this. Other people may like to know that a person isn't afraid to get his hands dirty and do some hard work. To determine what you should wear, you should always consider the audience and the purpose. If you are trying to get a job, then that is your purpose. If you're interviewer is a construction company owner that is your audience, or the person you are trying to impress.
As far as actually taking care of your shoes goes the process isn't very hard. The general rule that applies to all shoes is keep them clean. If they are dirty clean them off, if you step in something wash it off. This is provided that the shoe can be washed without falling apart. After this the individual care options come in for the type of shoes you are cleaning.
If you are wearing dress shoes, they should be polished after you wear them, and before you go out in them. You should own shoe polish and the proper brushes needed to keep your shoes clean. Tennis shoes should be cleaned with a toothbrush and a light soap, although you can also use the shoe cleaner that they sell in stores.
Women's shoes require a bit more care than men's. Despite the types that go across both genders there are some shoes women wear that are unique to them. Mainly high heels and other shoes that fall into this category. These can be easily damaged and when cleaning them you have to have a delicate touch. So be careful, otherwise your significant other is going to make you go to the shoe store. - 31896
Job interviews and social events are important places to make the right impression. For example, if you were on a job interview of a construction company and you had on a shiny pair of dress shoes, you might not get the position. In this instance, a shiny pair of dress shoes may send the message that you are incompetent in the realm of construction work. On the other hand, if you showed up to a party with tennis shoes on, you might not get a girl to take you seriously. Bottom line, dress the part for the role that you need to play.
That doesn't mean that you can show up to a construction job interview looking messy and sloppy. You should still look nice: a pair of slack, a cotton button-down shirt and some boots would be certainly appropriate. Likewise, if you showed up to an interview at a law firm, you would want to be wearing a suit with very nice dress shoes.
If you are going to a formal party or a party that is not going to be at a person's house, you need to wear nice dress shoes. However, if the party is a pizza and beer party at a friend's house, you wouldn't want to wear dress shoes; tennis shoes or boots would probably work much better in this instance.
There are some people that may have the impression that you are a suck up if your outer appearance is spotless and perfect. Some people like this. Other people may like to know that a person isn't afraid to get his hands dirty and do some hard work. To determine what you should wear, you should always consider the audience and the purpose. If you are trying to get a job, then that is your purpose. If you're interviewer is a construction company owner that is your audience, or the person you are trying to impress.
As far as actually taking care of your shoes goes the process isn't very hard. The general rule that applies to all shoes is keep them clean. If they are dirty clean them off, if you step in something wash it off. This is provided that the shoe can be washed without falling apart. After this the individual care options come in for the type of shoes you are cleaning.
If you are wearing dress shoes, they should be polished after you wear them, and before you go out in them. You should own shoe polish and the proper brushes needed to keep your shoes clean. Tennis shoes should be cleaned with a toothbrush and a light soap, although you can also use the shoe cleaner that they sell in stores.
Women's shoes require a bit more care than men's. Despite the types that go across both genders there are some shoes women wear that are unique to them. Mainly high heels and other shoes that fall into this category. These can be easily damaged and when cleaning them you have to have a delicate touch. So be careful, otherwise your significant other is going to make you go to the shoe store. - 31896
About the Author:
Dorthy Weatherbush is shoe lover and owns over 200 pairs of shoes. She is always looking for great deals on shoes and often shops at Masseys. With, she can find great and comfortable shoes for less money than she can anywhere else.